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Showing posts from October, 2011

Removing sIDHistory attribute

When using PowerShell Commands for Active Directory modifications on AD objects are scripted easily. But dealing with some properties (e.g., sIDHistory) requires a special approach. Let's say we need to clear the sIDHistory for the account TEST01 This account does have the sIDHistory attribute populated [PS] C:\>$user=Get-QADUser -SamAccountName TEST01  -IncludedProperties sidhistory [PS] C:\>$user.sIDHistory 0105000000000005150000002B012212B316AD0EEE04CFAD576F1600 If we want to clear an attribute like DisplayName we can use Set-QADUser and set the attribute to $null like this: [PS] C:\>Set-QADUser $user -ObjectAttributes @{DisplayName=$null} Name                    Type            DN ----                    ----            -- Test01,User          ...

How to Schedule an Script with Exchange cmdlets

when I need to schedule a PS script or to run a PS script from a command line I create a batch file containing the following two lines: @echo off powershell -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange  Server\bin\Exshell.psc1" -Command "&{%~dpn0.PS1}" The %~dpn0.PS1 expression refers to a file with the same file name ( %~n0 ) as the batch file, located on the same drive ( %~d0 ) and in the folder ( %~p ) as the batch file.  And it correctly handles spaces in the folder name (because of double quotes). Thus, if you need to schedule a PS script named MyScript.PS1 you need to create a CMD file named Myscript.CMD and place it into the same folder where the PS1 script resides. And that's it.

Move Old Files to an Archive Folder

I have a folders structure where I store my scripts, backups, documents as shown below The folders becomes cluttered with old versions of the files. So I decided to create a script that will move old files from each of the folders beneath the root one (e.g., C:\WP) to an archive sub-folder (if it exists at the particular level). So I decided to archive old files in the Backups, Exchange, and SharePoint folders. I created sub-folders called 'ARCHIVE' under each of those three folders as shown below And then I created the following batch file @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL SET ArchiveFolder=Archive SET OlderThan=2 SET Extensions=TXT CSV BAK LOG REM starts from the current folder  REM   [when it's a scheduled task this is configured as "START IN"] REM CD C:\WP SET debug=ECHO  SET LogFile="%~dpn0.LOG" FOR /F %%m in ('CD') Do SET StartDir=%%m %debug%.>>%LogFile% %debug%.>>%LogFile% %debug%.>>%LogFile% %debug%...