In SQL 2014 there is a new feature in database backups - an encrypted backup. To encrypt backups you need to create a database master key for the MASTER database and either a certificate (as in example below) or an asymmetric key to use for the backup. Here is a script to backup the IndexDemo database with an encryption. USE master; GO CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = '1qaz!QAZ'; GO IF EXISTS (select * from sys.certificates where name = 'TestBackupCert') DROP CERTIFICATE TestBackupCert; CREATE CERTIFICATE TestBackupCert WITH SUBJECT = 'Backup Encryption Certificate'; GO BACKUP DATABASE [IndexDemo] TO DISK = 'IndexDemoDB.bak' WITH FORMAT, STATS=5 , ENCRYPTION (ALGORITHM = TRIPLE_DES_3KEY, SERVER CERTIFICATE = TestBackupCert); -- AES_128, AES_192, AES_256, TRIPLE_DES_3KEY GO I was wondering how much overhead the encryption algorithms would add and decided to test it on my IndexDemo database which was hosted on a Azur...