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Showing posts from May, 2017

Generate Calendar Table in Power BI with Fiscal Year Attributes

In Power BI go to Get Data --> Blank Query and paste into the Function windows the text below. This function takes as parameters: - StartYear (e.g., 2012) - EndYear (e.g., 2018) -FiscalYearStartMonth (e.g., 4) And it will generate a calendar table for dates from Jan-1-<StartYear> till Dec-31-<EndYear> and columns for Fiscal Year, Fiscal Month, Fiscal Quarter, Fiscal Year Day where the Fiscal year begins on FiscalYearStartMonth = (StartYear as number, EndYear as number, FiscalYearStartMonth as number)=> let     //Capture the date range from the parameters     StartDate = #date(StartYear, 1, 1),     EndDate = #date(EndYear, 12, 31), //Get the number of dates that will be required for the table     GetDateCount = Duration.Days(EndDate - StartDate)+1, //Take the count of dates and turn it into a list of dates     GetDateList = List.Dates(StartDate, GetDateCount,  ...