In the previous post I ran the test with 5 concurrent clients and in this post I present results fgenerated by the same test but executed with different numbers of concurrent users: Azure SQL databases Standard (S0, S1, S2) and Premium (P1, P2, P3) editions were used During all test only a single Azure SQL database existed on the server at any given time The tests were executed for 200 seconds with 1,2,3,5, and 10 concurrent clients and after completion the test for a given number of the concurrent users all tables were dropped and re-created Three tests were executed for each edition and number of concurrent users and the average number of transactions was calculated for the table below After completion the tests against a particular database edition the database was dropped and a new one was created in the next edition and/or tier (e.g., when all 5 tests have been completed against the S0 database that database was dropped and a new one was created in the S1 editio...