To log into your Azure SQL Database with a Security principal do the following:
for step #3 use this function
# Based on
Function Get-AADToken {
Try {
# Set Resource URI to Azure Database
$resourceAppIdURI = ''
# Set Authority to Azure AD Tenant
$authority = '' + $TenantId
$ClientCred = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.ClientCredential]::new($ServicePrincipalId, $ServicePrincipalPwd)
$authContext = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext]::new($authority)
$authResult = $authContext.AcquireTokenAsync($resourceAppIdURI, $ClientCred)
$Token = $authResult.Result.AccessToken
return $Token
Catch {
Throw $_
$ErrorMessage = 'Failed to acquire Azure AD token.'
Write-Error -Message 'Failed to acquire Azure AD token'
When you have the token to connect to the database is as simple as this
$conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SQLConnection
$conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=$;Initial Catalog=$DatabaseName;Connect Timeout=30"
$conn.AccessToken = $($SPNToken)
And putting all in one piece:
# Based on
# Prerequisites:
# 1. Azure AD Admin assigned to the Azure SQL Server (use AAD Group)
# 2. The security principal added to the AAD group (which is Azure Admin for the SQL server)
Function Get-AADToken {
Try {
# Set Resource URI to Azure Database
$resourceAppIdURI = ''
# Set Authority to Azure AD Tenant
$authority = '' + $TenantId
$ClientCred = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.ClientCredential]::new($ServicePrincipalId, $ServicePrincipalPwd)
$authContext = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext]::new($authority)
$authResult = $authContext.AcquireTokenAsync($resourceAppIdURI, $ClientCred)
#$Token = $authResult.Result.CreateAuthorizationHeader()
$Token = $authResult.Result.AccessToken
return $Token
Catch {
Throw $_
$ErrorMessage = 'Failed to acquire Azure AD token.'
Write-Error -Message 'Failed to acquire Azure AD token'
# Service Principal details
$SPname = "<your SP display name>"
$SPpwd = "<your SP secret>"
# SQL Server and DB
$SQLServerName = "<your Azure SQL server name>"
$DatabaseName = '<your DB name>'
$AzureCtx = Get-AzureRmContext
if (! $AzureCtx) { Connect-AzureRmAccount; $AzureCtx = Get-AzureRmContext }
# Connect to db using SPN Account
$TenantId = $AzureCtx.Tenant.ID
$ServicePrincipalId = $(Get-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -DisplayName $SPname).ApplicationId
$SecureStringPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $SPpwd -AsPlainText -Force
$SPNToken = Get-AADToken -TenantID $TenantId -ServicePrincipalId $ServicePrincipalId -ServicePrincipalPwd $SecureStringPassword
Write-Output "Create SQL ConnectionString"
$conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SQLConnection
$conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=$;Initial Catalog=$DatabaseName;Connect Timeout=30"
$conn.AccessToken = $($SPNToken)
Write-Output "Connect to database and execute SQL script"
$query = 'select count(*) as aaaaa from dbo.t1'
$command = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($query, $conn)
$Result = $command.ExecuteScalar()
- Create an Azure AD security group
- Add this AAD group as Azure Administrator to your Azure SQL server
- Obtain Access Token
- Connect to Azure SQL Server with the access token
for step #3 use this function
# Based on
Function Get-AADToken {
Try {
# Set Resource URI to Azure Database
$resourceAppIdURI = ''
# Set Authority to Azure AD Tenant
$authority = '' + $TenantId
$ClientCred = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.ClientCredential]::new($ServicePrincipalId, $ServicePrincipalPwd)
$authContext = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext]::new($authority)
$authResult = $authContext.AcquireTokenAsync($resourceAppIdURI, $ClientCred)
$Token = $authResult.Result.AccessToken
return $Token
Catch {
Throw $_
$ErrorMessage = 'Failed to acquire Azure AD token.'
Write-Error -Message 'Failed to acquire Azure AD token'
When you have the token to connect to the database is as simple as this
$conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SQLConnection
$conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=$;Initial Catalog=$DatabaseName;Connect Timeout=30"
$conn.AccessToken = $($SPNToken)
And putting all in one piece:
# Based on
# Prerequisites:
# 1. Azure AD Admin assigned to the Azure SQL Server (use AAD Group)
# 2. The security principal added to the AAD group (which is Azure Admin for the SQL server)
Function Get-AADToken {
Try {
# Set Resource URI to Azure Database
$resourceAppIdURI = ''
# Set Authority to Azure AD Tenant
$authority = '' + $TenantId
$ClientCred = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.ClientCredential]::new($ServicePrincipalId, $ServicePrincipalPwd)
$authContext = [Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.AuthenticationContext]::new($authority)
$authResult = $authContext.AcquireTokenAsync($resourceAppIdURI, $ClientCred)
#$Token = $authResult.Result.CreateAuthorizationHeader()
$Token = $authResult.Result.AccessToken
return $Token
Catch {
Throw $_
$ErrorMessage = 'Failed to acquire Azure AD token.'
Write-Error -Message 'Failed to acquire Azure AD token'
# Service Principal details
$SPname = "<your SP display name>"
$SPpwd = "<your SP secret>"
# SQL Server and DB
$SQLServerName = "<your Azure SQL server name>"
$DatabaseName = '<your DB name>'
$AzureCtx = Get-AzureRmContext
if (! $AzureCtx) { Connect-AzureRmAccount; $AzureCtx = Get-AzureRmContext }
# Connect to db using SPN Account
$TenantId = $AzureCtx.Tenant.ID
$ServicePrincipalId = $(Get-AzureRmADServicePrincipal -DisplayName $SPname).ApplicationId
$SecureStringPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $SPpwd -AsPlainText -Force
$SPNToken = Get-AADToken -TenantID $TenantId -ServicePrincipalId $ServicePrincipalId -ServicePrincipalPwd $SecureStringPassword
Write-Output "Create SQL ConnectionString"
$conn = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SQLConnection
$conn.ConnectionString = "Data Source=$;Initial Catalog=$DatabaseName;Connect Timeout=30"
$conn.AccessToken = $($SPNToken)
Write-Output "Connect to database and execute SQL script"
$query = 'select count(*) as aaaaa from dbo.t1'
$command = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($query, $conn)
$Result = $command.ExecuteScalar()
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