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Collect Server Information with WMIC (OS, Disks, Partitions, Software, etc.)

I had to create a new test environment and to make it a true representation of the production one I had to install all the service packs, hot fixes, cumulative updates, etc. as in production.
So I decided to collect all essential information. And the simplest way (for me) was to use WMIC.

To collect information about OS:

WMIC OS GET BuildNumber, Caption, CSDVersion, CSName, OSArchitecture, OSLanguage, ServicePackMajorVersion, ServicePackMinorVersion, SystemDirectory, TotalVisibleMemorySize, Version, WindowsDirectory

about all installed software (and be patient because it takes a couple of minutes to complete)

WMIC PRODUCT GET Caption,Version

About Windows domains

WMIC NTDOMAIN GET Caption, ClientSiteName, DCSiteName, DnsForestName, DomainCOntrollerAddress, DomainControllerName, DOmainName

about disks

WMIC DISKDRIVE GET BytesPerSector, Name, SerialNumber, Signature,Size

about partitions

WMIC PARTITION GET BlockSize,Bootable,Name,Size,StartingOffset

installed hot fixes

WMIC QFE GET Description,HotFixID,InstalledBy,InstalledOn

Programs launched at start

WMIC STARTUP GET Caption,Command,Location,User

and finally all about your volumes

WMIC VOLUME GET BlockSize, BootVolume, Capacity, Caption, Compressed, DriveLetter, DriveType, FileSYstem, FreeSpace, Label, PageFilePresent, SystemVolume

and if you want everything in one place then download the CMD file (remove .TXT from the file name) and it will create a separate Unicode file for each command listed above.

 The file names will be <script name>-<computer name>-<command>.log.

If WMIC returns 0x80041010 error when you run WMIC PRODUCT

then you need to install "WMI Windows Installer Provider" which is a part of " Management and Monitoring Tools

Updated. Windows 2003 version of the script -->


SET Log=%~dpn0-%computerName%
Echo Started collecting information from %ComputerName% on %date% at %time%
Echo Getting OS info ...
WMIC OS GET BuildNumber,Caption,CSDVersion,CSName,OSLanguage,ServicePackMajorVersion,ServicePackMinorVersion,SystemDirectory,TotalVisibleMemorySize,Version,WIndowsDirectory >>"%log%-OSinfo.LOG"

Echo Getting Installed Software info [it takes a while]...
WMIC PRODUCT GET Caption,Version >>"%log%-Software.LOG"

Echo Getting Disks info ...
WMIC DISKDRIVE GET BytesPerSector,Name,Signature,Size >>"%log%-Disks.LOG"

Echo Getting Domain info ...
WMIC NTDOMAIN GET Caption,ClientSiteName,DCSiteName,DnsForestName,DomainCOntrollerAddress,DomainControllerName,DOmainName >>"%log%-Domain.LOG"

Echo Getting Partition info ...
WMIC PARTITION GET BlockSize,Bootable,Name,Size,StartingOffset >>"%log%-Partition.LOG"

Echo Getting Installed Hotfixes info ...
WMIC QFE GET Description,HotFixID,InstalledBy,InstalledOn >>"%log%-HotFixes.LOG"

Echo Getting Startup Programs info ...
WMIC STARTUP GET Caption,Command,Location,User >>"%log%-Startup.LOG"

Echo Getting Volumes info ...
WMIC VOLUME GET BlockSize,Capacity,Caption,Compressed,DriveLetter,DriveType,FileSYstem,FreeSpace,Label >>"%log%-Volume.LOG"
Echo Finished collecting information from %ComputerName% on %date% at %time%
Echo Done. Results are in the %log%-^<name^>.LOG files


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